Source code for Create_DDB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2023 Alexis CORBILLET

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from scipy import ndimage
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd

[docs]class CreeBD: """ Class for creating the image database. Parameters: - Test (bool): Indicates whether to run the create test database mode or not. Default is True. - nbrimageset (int): Number of image sets to generate. Default is 500. """
[docs] def __init__(self, Test=True, nbrimageset=500): """ Initializes the CreeBD class. Args: - Test (bool): Indicates whether to run the test mode or not. Default is True. - nbrimageset (int): Number of image sets to generate. Default is 500. """ if Test: print('Loading and processing images') img ='images/a8.bmp') img = img.convert('L') img = np.array(img) (n, p) = img.shape # Parameters # nbrimageset=500 # conversion of X (list de table(image)) to Xl (list of list(images in 1 list)) print("Create random images") Xl = [] X = self.randgen(img, nbrimageset) for k in range(nbrimageset): V = [] for i in range(51): # /!\51!!!! V += ((X[k]).tolist())[i] Xl.append(V) print("Generation of the database in .csv") # /!\ Be careful nbrimageset=3500 or 500? data = {str(i): Xl[i] for i in range(nbrimageset)} df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.to_csv(r'BaseEtTEST.csv', index=True, header=True) print(df) else: print('Loading images') img1 ='images/t1.bmp') img2 ='images/t2.bmp') img3 ='images/t3.bmp') img4 ='images/t4.bmp') img5 ='images/t5.bmp') img6 ='images/t6.bmp') img7 ='images/t7.bmp') img1 = img1.convert('L') img1 = np.array(img1) img2 = img2.convert('L') img2 = np.array(img2) img3 = img3.convert('L') img3 = np.array(img3) img4 = img4.convert('L') img4 = np.array(img4) img5 = img5.convert('L') img5 = np.array(img5) img6 = img6.convert('L') img6 = np.array(img6) img7 = img7.convert('L') img7 = np.array(img7) LIMG = [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5, img6, img7] # conversion X (liste de tableau(image)) en Xl (liste de liste(image en 1 liste)) print("Create random images") Xl = [] for j in tqdm(LIMG): X = self.randgen(j, nbrimageset, False) for k in range(nbrimageset): V = [] for i in range(51): # /!\51!!!! V += ((X[k]).tolist())[i] Xl.append(V) # création de la base de data en .csv print("Creation of the database in .csv") # /!\ Be careful nbrimageset=3500 or 500 data = {str(i): Xl[i] for i in range(nbrimageset*7)} df = pd.DataFrame(data) print('Convert to .csv') df.to_csv(r'BaseTri2.csv', index=True, header=True) print(df)
[docs] def randgen(self, im, ni, tq=True): """ Generates random images. Args: - im: Input image. - ni (int): Number of images to generate. - tq (bool): Indicates whether to display progress bar. Default is True. Returns: - X (list): List of generated images. """ if tq: X = [0] * ni r = np.random.randn(ni, 3) im = self.seuil(im, 120) im = self.resize(im, 64, 64) for s in tqdm(range(0, ni)): iml = self.rotation(im, r[s, 0] * 360) iml = self.translation(iml, r[s, 1] * 10, r[s, 2] * 10) X[s] = iml return X else: X = [0] * ni r = np.random.randn(ni, 3) im = self.seuil(im, 120) im = self.resize(im, 64, 64) for s in range(0, ni): iml = self.rotation(im, r[s, 0] * 360) iml = self.translation(iml, r[s, 1] * 10, r[s, 2] * 10) X[s] = iml return X
[docs] def translation(self, image, x, y): """ Translates the image. Args: - image: Input image. - x (float): Translation along the x-axis. - y (float): Translation along the y-axis. Returns: - Translated image. """ return ndimage.shift(image, (x, y))
[docs] def rotation(self, image, deg): """ Rotates the image. Args: - image: Input image. - deg (float): Rotation angle in degrees. Returns: - Rotated image. """ return ndimage.rotate(image, deg, reshape=False)
[docs] def resize(self, image, l, m): """ Resizes the image. Args: - image: Input image. - l (int): Width of the resized image. - m (int): Height of the resized image. Returns: - Resized image. """ image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8((image))) image.thumbnail((l, m)) # /!\.shape=(51,64) return np.array(image)
[docs] def seuil(self, imNB, s): """ Applies a threshold to the image. Args: - imNB: Input grayscale image. - s (int): Threshold value. Returns: - Thresholded image. """ return np.where(imNB < s, 0, imNB)